Mel Hurtig OC (R.I.P 1932–2016)
This video may be the most important video that most Canadains and especially young Canadains, have not seen and I truely hope you will take the time to watch it. It is telling the facts that our main stream media doesn't tell and our politicians do not talk about. The Killing of Canada as we know it.
Please watch and pass it along in everyway you can and then get involved to help try to save our country! Ian Macdonald, IF Editor
Video based on Mel Hurtig's book 'The Truth About Canada', features Mel, includes non-biased, non-partisan StatsCan data, OECD studies, polls, graphs. John Riddell Sep 17, 2008
Watch this important video here: Who Killed Canada?
Watch this HD Video too: The Truth About Canada