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Home about the Economy Economic Hubris

Economic Hubris

Fixing the economy: We got it wrong

OppsIn  early January 2009 two White House-bound economists — Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein — predicted  that if the stimulus bill were passed, unemployment would peak at 8% by midyear  and then start coming down. If there were no stimulus, they said, joblessness  might hit 9% and not peak until 2010.

Romer and Bernstein had the risky  job of hyping policy, but they weren't alone in their optimistic views.  Forecasters at the Congressional Budget Office, the Federal Reserve and most private banks all thought that the economy had a natural  tendency to right itself, sooner or later. What it needed, the activists urged,  was a push.

Well it's now obvious that the push didn't do the job. Even  with it, unemployment is higher than the Romer-Bernstein worst case. The  optimistic forecasts now look embarrassing, ranking right up there alongside  Irving Fisher's 1929 comment that stocks had reached "a permanently high  plateau."

About the time Romer and Bernstein issued their assessments, I  wrote a cover essay for Washington Monthly attacking predictions of early  recovery. The "return to normal" would not happen, I wrote, because the effects  of a financial collapse could not be reversed. But though this fact was obvious  and in plain sight, somehow many economists missed it. Let's examine that epic  failure.

First, the economic models in use were obviously faulty. Why?  Because they had assumed a "natural rate of unemployment" to which the economy  will return whatever happens. This idea originated with Milton Friedman as part of his attack on John Maynard Keynes — who had argued,  based on the stark evidence of the Great Depression, that mass unemployment can  persist indefinitely. An economist who builds the natural rate into a model is  like a doctor who assumes that her patient will always get better eventually,  even without treatment. No such doctors exist, of course; that so many  economists think this way is just strange.

Second, the glide path to  recovery was obviously wrong. Why? Because it was based on postwar business  cycles, and recessions from 1950 to 1990 were caused mainly by tight policies or  outside shocks to a fairly sound system. Those recessions did have a  corrective: as time passed "pent-up demand" would build and a new credit boom  would start. In 2009, because American households were now massively upside-down  on their mortgages, this could not happen. But postwar experience had no  precedent for this, and so it could not be built into a forecast.

Third,  the forecasts were reinforced by checking with all the top forecasters, and this  was the wrong thing to do. Why? Because in a deep crisis the consensus view,  which is necessarily an average, is always wrong! Extreme situations require  extreme assessments, meaning that someone must stand up and overrule the crowd.  But led by its technicians, Team Obama simply assumed away the crisis, calling  it instead a "Great Recession" – which again implied that it would end just  because recessions always had.

The next mistake was to base policy on the  forecasts. The sensible thing would have been to paint the bleakest possible  picture, emphasizing the extraordinary crisis, and so justify the largest  possible policy action. Then if things turned out all right President Obama would have gotten credit, and any excess actions could easily have  been cut back. Instead, the president set himself and his policies up for  blame.

Obama's approach contrasts sharply with how President Reagan  handled the recession of 1981-82 — with massive tax cuts enacted in 1981. I did  not like Reagan's tax cuts, but everyone could see that they implied a truly  massive stimulus. This was politically smart, as Reagan's reelection proved. And  when the message had been delivered, the cuts were trimmed in 1982, 1984 and  1986.

Obama's economists had more hubris and less ambition than Reagan's.  They thought they could predict events accurately and put just the right  policies into place. And that was before politics interfered, cutting the actual  package to well below what Romer thought necessary. Larry Summers, however, was later quoted saying that he still thought the  stimulus was about right, which raises the question: Why didn't it work as  planned?

In fact, stimulus alone was never going to bring recovery. This  crisis was caused by financial collapse, rooted in massive banking fraud. The  financial system is our economic motor and when it fails it cannot be revived  simply by pouring money on it, any more than a wrecked reactor can be restarted  just by adding fuel. Team Obama faced a situation not seen since the 1930s — a  worldwide banking meltdown. The financial system needed to be rebuilt — and it  still does. But Team Obama chose to overlook this.

The result was  debt-deflation. Falling asset prices tipped more and more households into  insolvency, business stagnated, tax revenues dropped, states and localities cut  their budgets and deficits widened. The situation is similar in Europe, with  countries rather than households in the deepest trouble, and wild rumors  attacking the shares of even the biggest banks.

Federal budget deficits  in this situation are like IV-bags in an emergency room: they stabilize things.  IV's are definitely linked to sickness, and no one would use them if they  weren't necessary. But very few doctors propose to cut back on saline while the  patient is still sick. Today, however, the official economists and their  followers in Congress, the White House and the media are divided between those  who would remove the IV's slowly, whether the patient recovers or not, and those  who'd like to charge through the wards, yanking needles from arms. The debt deal  enacted earlier this month put the first group in charge, but that's pretty cold  comfort.

The solution is not another "stimulus" — a term that stinks of  needles and quick fixes. The solution has to be a long-term strategy: both a new  direction for economic activity and new institutions to provide the money. The  proposed national infrastructure bank — a permanent institution — is the right  sort of thing and would be a good place to start.

To go further, let's  admit that our problem is not budget deficits or public debt — not now and not  later. Let's agree that cutting Social Security and Medicare — inflicting  pointless pain on the elderly — will not help. Let's build a new financial  system to serve public purpose and private business. And let's start to act on  our actual needs and problems: jobs, foreclosures, public investments, energy  security and climate change.

Time is short, but at least in recent days  it's becoming clear: We're getting it wrong and we must  change.

James K. Galbraith teaches at the University  of Texas at Austin.
Global  Research Articles by James K. Galbraith