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Home about the Economy Propaganda 101

Propaganda 101

theftcuffsJust what do we call the richest 1% who have used their money and power to control politicians and law makers around the world to ensure they can take more and more of the pie while the ones at the bottom are to be seen as the thieves?

Okay, if I loot a shop I am a criminal.  If I loot an entire country or two I am...what? An "elite?"

How ironic that the Prime Minister of Britain can apparently only speak of what he also wants us to see.

"The prime minister also said that his commitment to tackling the "greed and thuggery" seen during the riots and episodes of looting would be backed up by "the full force of the law".

"We need a stronger police presence on the streets, deterring crime and catching criminals instead of filling in forms or wasting time on phoney targets," he said."

Funny how the "Greatest Heist of Taxpayers Money in History" gets no mention.

For the youth of not only Britian but pretty well the rest of the world hope is but a far away dream. "Auterity Measures" which are so openly being talked about and implemented have been destroying the very social fabric of our societies in the "Western" countries doesn't seem to have had any blame in the riots. Less and less civil rights in every so called democracy in the world cannot possible have contributed to the angry and frustration seen in the streets of Britian. Yet, he speaks of the "Greed and Thuggery" of the looters.

The "elite" have used every means available to them and created new ones along the way, to ensure that the legislation in countries around the world has been weaken enough to allow them to rape and pillage the economies of every nation in the world in the name of "Globalisation". They have bought the politicians, the media and supplied us with their Think Tanks to ensure they will get away with it. We have seen them use our military's to enforce "Freedom" when in fact thery want no such thing. Instead the milary have become their private police forces around the world to ensure even more economies can be raped and pillaged.

Yet let anyone speak up about this injustice and just watch the force of the law come down upon there heads, literally. Do we see the same treatment for the criminals in financial centres around the world as the "looters"?

Hell no!

The "elites" are ready for the next round of "Bailouts" with open arms and just watch the bonuses this time as they instill enough debt on the world's citizens to demand the sell off and "Privatization" of the rest of the peoples assets. Pure Corp0ratism at its worst.

Maybe the "elites" will find out about "the full force of the law" one day soon. Maybe the causes of the French Revolution could give these people a tip or two?




1. BBC