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Home about Big Pharma Where Fools Fear To Tread

Where Fools Fear To Tread


    *This was first published in 2009.  Doesn't the situation seem very similar today?*

According to the WHO this H1N1 flu has not mutated!  Last summer, when the WHO decided to declare a global “pandemic emergency” over what it called the H1N1 Influenza A global spread, it also announced in a notice buried among its press releases that most countries had stopped testing ill populations for H1N1, and that the WHO therefore simply arbitrarily “assumed” all patients with a stated set of symptoms were automatically H1N1 victims. So the H1N1 pandemic case counts, to quote the WHO, “no longer reflect actual disease activity.”

The Swine Flu Fiasco: Does History Repeat its Self?

A rush to vaccinations, political pressure, unproven vaccine tests, big money for "Big Pharma" from our governments and adverse reactions to the shot that ranged from temporary paralysis to death! That was 1976.

Yes, I did say 1976!

From CBC Broadcast: Feb.21, 1983

In February 1976, a 19-year-old soldier died at Fort Dix, N.J., after coming down with a severe case of influenza dubbed the " swine flu". Fearing a return of the fatal 1918 Spanish flu virus, U.S. authorities launched an unprecedented program to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the country. But after two months and tens of millions of dollars, the program was scrapped when reports leaked out about adverse reactions to the shot that ranged from temporary paralysis to death. This CBC Television clip looks at the ill-fated initiative, which was blamed for casting suspicion in vaccination efforts for an entire generation.

U.S. President Gerald Ford's National Influenza Program began in Oct. 1, 1976, with free vaccination clinics in Indianapolis. Canada followed suit days after, even though no cases of the virus had been detected north of the border.


FlyingPigYet today, in Canada as in all other countries around the world we again are rushing in where fools fear to tread!

This time we are sure history will not repeat itself in one way. After the 1976 "Swine Flu Fiasco" there were thousands of law suits of up to three and a half billions dollars because of the adverse reactions.

This time around there will be no law suits against either "Big Pharma" or government officials in the U.S. as the Obama administration has seen fit to exempt both from any liability! Now that is "Change We Can Belive In"!

First United States exempts "Big Pharma"... now Canada's Harper government joins in too.

How safe do you think the "Flying Pig Flu" vaccination really is?

Taxpayers on hook for any H1N1 vaccine damages: From CBC

If there are lawsuits over the H1N1 vaccine, it will be the federal government, not the vaccine maker, that picks up the tab for any damages awarded by courts.

Contracts between governments and vaccine manufacturers usually include an indemnity clause that exempts companies if there are problems with a vaccine, Canada's chief public health officer, Dr. David Butler-Jones, told reporters Wednesday.

The provision does not apply, however, in the case of malpractice — if a doctor injects a vaccine the wrong way, for example.

While Dr. David Bultler-Jones claims "Contracts between governments and vaccine manufacturers usually include an indemnity clause that exempts companies if there are problems with a vaccine", one must ask oneself if that is true, why?  Someone should also check if that statement is in fact true or just another recent development in our rush to vaccination with unproven and untested vaccinations for a flu that suddenly has not mutated.

Vaccination_nurseMeanwhile our trusted governments are having us line up for what seems like a needless vaccination. After all we have already paid "Big Pharma" with our tax dollars so we might as well use it.


Now get in line, roll up your sleeve and cross your fingers!

© Copyright Ian Rae Macdonald, inconvenient facts, 2009